RVM Kunststoffen
Available+31 (0)184 412 723

Meet our supplier Georg Fischer (GF)


Georg Fischer (GF) is our regular supplier of plastic pipe systems. We are proud to say that we are the largest dealer of Georg Fischer maritime piping systems in the Netherlands.

A journey back in time

What started more than 200 years ago in a small Swiss company has grown into a global industrial company. The man Johan Conrad Fischer laid the foundation in 1802 with a small copper smelter. Malleable cast iron fittings were produced here. Nowadays Georg Fischer supplies complete piping systems. Read more about the history of Georg Fischer here.

Who exactly is Georg Fischer?

Georg Fischer is active worldwide under the name 'GF Piping Systems'. In Epe you will find the location of the Netherlands. According to Georg Fischer N.V.: "Your point of contact for plastic pipe systems for the Dutch market". For applications in residential and commercial building and water and gas distribution, it supplies plastic piping systems and products that go with it.

Georg Fischer within the maritime sector

Georg Fischer makes tailor-made products per sector. They select their best partner within each sector. We received this partnership for the maritime sector, our specialty. Thanks to years of experience within this industry, we can provide you with sound advice.

Ons assortiment van Georg Fischer

Zoals u in de vorige alinea heeft kunnen lezen, is de maritieme sector onze specialiteit. Een groot deel van ons Georg Fischer assortiment vind u dan ook binnen de maritieme oplossingen. De bekende systemen zoals PVC-CPVC-UABSFuseal Sea Drain (PPFR)INSTAFLEX en iFit zijn hierin opgenomen. 

Our Georg Fischer range

As you can read in the previous paragraph, the maritime sector is our specialty. You will also find a large part of our Georg Fischer assortment within maritime solutions. The known systems such as PVC-C, PVC-U, ABS, Fuseal Sea Drain (PPFR)INSTAFLEX and iFit are included.

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Why RVM Kunststoffen?

  • Specialist in plastic pipe systems
  • Extensive stock
  • Quality and service are paramount
  • Rapid delivery times
  • Individual service